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Today as I'm reflecting on my blessings I am reminded of where I have come from. This past year with the blog has been absolutely amazing and has taught me so much. I have met and connected with so many awesome bloggers and people around the world.As I count my blessings I think back on where I began with my finances since I started out on my own. I recall vividly the feelings of debt and despair that I experienced early on. The quick descent into having nothing, overdrawn accounts, maxed out credit cards. If you are in this situation currently believe me I have been there and I can relate. It has taken many tough years and a lot of hard work to bring me to where I am today. I honestly am so thankful even for those difficult times. Even the difficult times have taught me so many valuable lessons, that I am now so grateful to have learned.For those of you who have been around for a while you already know why Saving Joyfully was created. I created my website to share where I have come from which would be the depths of debt to financial freedom which is my current goal. I share honestly where I began and what I have used to help save me money along the way. My hope is to help others just like myself with my website everyday. If I can help to ease the burdens of others financially by some of the resources or tips that I provide, then I believe Saving Joyfully has been a success.I am so thankful for my financial journey and the valuable lessons that I have learned even through the difficult times.

Where did I come from financially?

A young twenty something deep in debt due to hospital bills, credit card debt and student loans. Learn from my money mistakes

Where I am currently?

A 37 year old still working her way out of this debt and hoping to inspire and encourage others along the way.

What have I learned?

I have learned that to have money and break the cycle of paycheck to paycheck, this requires sacrifice and learning to effectively manage our money. I believe that it is often in the small things, the daily behaviors that we begin to get off track with our finances. It is in understanding this and realigning our priorities that we begin to discover that financial freedom can be possible. It is not an easy road especially if you began your financial life as I did but it is definitely possible to get your finances back on track.

What I am most thankful for as I reflect on this past year?

  • My husband

  • Family

  • Friends

  • My father's life ( his health has been a struggle but he is still with us today)

  • My readers

  • The bloggers that encourage and support me everyday

  • My home

  • My job and the blessing of a great boss and coworkers

  • The inspiration and creation of my blog Saving Joyfully

I cannot thank you all enough for reading, commenting and your constant support and encouragement as I run my blog. You make a huge difference in what I do and I am so grateful for all of you.Have a very happy and budget friendly Thanksgiving my friends!


