Trust In the Lord with All Your Heart
What does it mean to trust in the Lord with all your heart? In the bible located in the book of Proverbs it reads….
Proverbs 3: 5 Trust in the Lord with all your heart;
do not depend on your own understanding.
6 Seek his will in all you do,
and he will show you which path to take.
So how can we know how to do this in our life? I believe that much of the Christian life is walked by faith and not sight because that is what the bible tells us. The Lord loves it when we walk by faith which means completely trusting Him even when we do not understand. I love to think that I am good at this but when it comes down to it I know the truth. Faith is a huge struggle for me whether I want to admit it or not. When things look different than I expect them to look I get frustrated and confused. I am very analytical that is how the Lord made me. I often find that because of this I begin to overanalyze and try to make things fit into my understanding without even realizing that I am doing that. When I recognize this in myself, I often have to step back and repent asking God to help me see things the way that He sees them.
What I have learned in my life in so many situations is that sometimes trusting in the Lord with all your heart means accepting that you don’t have to understand what is going on. You only have to know God and recognize that He is in control and His ways are best.
How can we ensure that we are trusting in the Lord with all our hearts?
Surrender our ideas and plans and ask the Lord to guide us.
Pray for guidance at all times, especially before making big decisions
When we are tempted to use our human reasoning and understanding pray first.
Spend more time in the word of God and pray that He will lead us.
Rest knowing that if you have done all of this and you still do not understand that God is in control, you do not need to understand everything.
My prayer for you today
Heavenly Father, We thank you and praise you for all that you are doing in our lives even when we do not understand what is going on. We do not understand all of your ways and yet we recognize that we do not have to. I thank you that in my own life and the lives of my readers, you have a wonderful plan for our lives that involves each of us trusting and following you. We surrender everything to you today and I ask that you would give each of us peace in the moments that do not make sense in our lives. Use us to do your will and to trust you in all of it whether we ever truly understand it. Lord, please guide us and give us wisdom when needed and courage when we don’t understand to follow you wholeheartedly. We love you and we trust you with our futures even the aspects that we do not yet understand. In Jesus's name, we ask all of this Amen