This past year my husband and I vacationed in Savannah Georgia. Savannah, is a city which I had wanted to visit for years. We have not had an easy time financially over the past few years and money was tight.A vacation to Savannah seemed unlikely during this time in our lives and yet we were determined to make it work.
How we were able to afford a trip to Savannah Georgia
We knew if we wanted to visit Savannah Georgia that if we did we would be doing so on a tight budget. After careful consideration and research, we decided to make the trip anyway.My husband's father offered us his free flyer miles for our flights to Savannah, Georgia. He knew we both loved to travel yet often find it hard to afford a trip like this. This saved us so much money and allowed us to spend more time vacationing and less time driving to Savannah.
How did we plan our trip to Savannah Georgia?
We were determined to do it on our budget and so we began to plan our trip. We started researching with YouTube videos and other Pinterest posts that we could find to help us plan our vacation. I knew our vacation budget wasn't huge but we wanted to make it happen. Whenever we go on vacation there are a few aspects that I begin to plan ahead of time for our trip. I always start a savings plan in January to begin saving for our yearly vacation and this always helps tremendously. I always look for additional ways throughout the year to stash away more vacation cash.
What were the best places to visit in Savannah GA?
Listed below are the great budget-friendly places we were able to visit while in Savannah Georgia. Savannah is by far one of the most memorable places I have ever visited in my life! The architecture is amazing and the city is so rich in history. The people of Savannah were so friendly and so willing to help you as a tourist. The people we met offered tips for great places to visit in their city and the best places to go to eat.
My favorite things to do in Savannah GA
My favorite things we did there were all cheap or free. Each of these places we visited were the experiences that I will never forget. I believe that you will love every moment of your stay in Savannah, Georgia just as we did. Although I am not certain on the best time of year to visit, we believe it was perfect weather and not too busy in September. We traveled there around labor day and were even there for the bacon festival which was a fun experience.
Why not take a trolley tour of Savannah Georgia
The trolley tour was not a necessary expense when visiting Savannah but it was a nice addition if you do have a little extra money. We did take the trolley tour, which was worth it if you want to hear some of the histories however it did cost a bit for the two of us to take this tour of the city.
Top places to visit in Savannah GA on a budget
1) Forsyth park
savannah georgia beach
Forsyth Park is one of the most beautiful parks I have ever been to. I was amazed by the beauty of this iconic fountain, it cannot be described as it can be experienced.Savannah Georgia, has many other historic squares similar to Forsyth Park but none are quite as beautiful. Forsyth Park is the most popular of all of these similar areas. This would be a great place to just hang out, grab a drink, and sit and relax with your friends and family.TYBEE ISLAND BEACH
2) Tybee Island beach
Tybee Island beach is a beautiful place to visit while you are in Savannah, GA. Tybee Island beach is not completely free, because you will need to pay for parking. It is still a great budget-friendly place to visit and is one of the top places I recommend visiting while in Savannah, Georgia. I believe time spent at the ocean is always worth a small parking fee.
How far is Tybee Island from Savannah?
Bonaventure Cemetery
Tybee Island beach is approximately 20 minutes from Savannah and has so much beauty to offer. A visit to Tybee Island beach will not disappoint you. Tybee island is, in my opinion, one of the places you must visit while you are in Savannah Georgia. So make it a point while you are in the area to visit this beautiful Savannah Georgia beach.
3) Bonaventure Cemetery
A visit to a cemetery on vacation might sound weird. However, this was one of my favorite places to visit in Savannah Georgia. Bonaventure Cemetery is a gorgeous cemetery rich in local history. The history of the Savannah area and this cemetery is truly fascinating. Over the years there have been many stories told of the old headstones and monuments throughout the cemetery. Not everyone enjoys cemeteries the way I do but Savannah has a few great historical cemeteries. I believe this cemetery is one of the absolute must-see places in Savannah Georgia.
The cemetery in Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil
Bonaventure cemetery is the same cemetery featured in the movie Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil. Bonaventure Cemetery is one of the places I highly recommend that you must visit while you are in Savannah Georgia.
4) Cathedral of St. John the Baptist
Cathedral of St. John the Baptist
Cathedral of St. John the Baptist
Cathedral of St. John the Baptist Savannah GA
We visited the cathedral of St. John the Baptist while in Savannah Georgia. This cathedral was breathtaking. That is why I believe this is one of the places you must visit while you are in Savannah Georgia. This cathedral is an amazing work of architecture and a once in a lifetime experience. It costs nothing to visit the cathedral and is a part of Savannah's rich history. All I could think as I wandered through the cathedral, was I can only imagine the time spent building this magnificent cathedral. We walked inside the cathedral and saw the beautiful architecture and took in all the amazing artistry inside the building. Inside the Cathedral the décor was amazing and so complex a true awe-inspiring work of art.
My final suggestions for your trip to Savannah Ga
These are just four of the amazing experiences you can have in Savannah Georgia. Each one of these places is free to visit minus the cost of parking at Tybee Island. You can enjoy the beauty of Savannah by simply walking around River street in Savannah and throughout the various squares. Your trip to Savannah Georgia promises to be one of the most memorable vacations you will ever take and will likely become a favorite vacation destination for years to come.
The Pirate House restaurant in Savannah Georgia
If you have the money to stop for lunch or dinner at The Pirate House, you will be glad that you did. The food was delicious and this was one of our favorite dining experiences in Savannah Georgia. You need to try the fried green tomatoes and their key lime pie. Yum! The pirate house is also another historical building that has a unique experience that you cannot find anywhere else. Trust me! The Pirate House will be the best restaurant experience you have in Savannah, Georgia.
More tips on saving for your next vacation
Savannah Georgia
Are you looking to begin saving for your trip to Savannah, Georgia? You can follow some of the best money-saving vacation saving tips in my post how to save money for Vacation. I hope you find this information helpful in planning your next vacation to Savannah Georgia.