Have you heard of the new TV show Going from Broke? This past week I was contacted regarding an opportunity to work as an influencer on a project with Aplus.com ,founded by actor and technology investor Ashton Kutcher in 2014. This exciting opportunity involves a new show being produced by Ashton Kutcher, called Going from Broke which will premiere October 17 2019 on the free streaming network Crackle.When they first contacted me I had no idea what this show was and was skeptical if I would be interested in participating. After talking with them further and watching the trailer I am actually excited to help promote a show that addresses something that is so near and dear to me. The student loan crisis in America is out of control and has been for many years. The debt my friends and I have accrued in college is enough to set anyone back significantly.
What will I be doing to help promote the new show Going from Broke?
I have agreed to participate in an upcoming Twitter chat on October 17th @ 2pm as a financial media influencer. Basically I willparticipate in the conversation, answer questions and just help promote and encourage others to tune in for this new show. The goal of my website aligns very well with the stories shared on this Tv show. I appreciate others speaking out on this crisis of student loan debt and encouraging others to save money and pay off debt for good.
Why we need to make a difference today
Why do I really think is so important to address the debt young people are accumulating today? I believe it is so important because we need to do it now before the next generation continues on worse than we did. We need to help the youth of tomorrow by setting them up with good financial futures and not the debt and depression we have earned for ourselves starting at a young age.
Why is this debt so crushing and debilitating?
The youth of my generation (Millennials) were encouraged to go to college and presented with many financial options to afford college without any knowledge of financial management in advance. We were given FAFSA forms and told to fill them out with no one to explain them to us or even what a loan was or how it worked. Years after we made these choices we have been left to pick up the pieces and deal with the painful reality of it all on our own. Many of us cannot find jobs with our majors and have ended up working jobs that we could have obtained without a degree.
Are millennial's victims of the student loan debt crisis?
Many of us are victims of banks and financial institutions as well of the federal government encouraging us to take on this debt for a brighter future. Many of us heard family members and friends feed us the line "you need a college education in today's world" which is not entirely untrue. A college education can be very important but it is often difficult today for many of us to even find careers with our degrees. I do want to reiterate though that I do not see us entirely as victims of our debt either. We as many others before us ended up in much of this debt for reasons other than just student loans. One of the biggest reasons we ended up in this debt is because we simply did not know how to properly manage our finances.
Educating a new generation on managing their money
Going from broke on crackle tv
This is something that I am now very passionate about as I deal with my own debt head on. We need to take the many painful steps ourselves to start setting ourselves up today for a brighter financial future tomorrow. We also need to set a good example for today's youth as we deal with our own financial crisis and encourage them to make better choices today for their future.I'm excited for this new show because I believe that it will help open eyes and get more youth thinking and talking about the importance of financial management in their lives. I am hopeful that through the debt stories shared that many will make better choices going forward as a result of what they see.Below is an advertisement for the new show and the trailer for the showYou can click here to check out the trailer for the new show. Don't forget to tune in for the first episode when it premieres October 17th on Crackle.