Since I started my blog in February this year I have been so blessed to connect with so many bloggers from all around the world. I could give you a list that could take you all day of great new blogs to discover but instead I have decided to do a new series of posts helping you to discover some of these awesome blogs.This month's bloggers I have decided to feature, are all personal finance related and will help you to begin to get your finances in order. Some of the bloggers have more of a focus in one area of finance than another, but they all have personal finance aspects to them.I will actually share with you the link to one of my favorite posts that they have written. Then I will share with you what it is about that post that I love.
Every Day By The Lake
GetAttachmentThumbnail is run by Laura who is both an excellent blogger and also a freelance writer/career coach/virtual assistant. Laura left her previous full-time job to pursue a career doing something she loves more, freelance writing and creating. She wrote a post that caught my attention titled Earn less worth less. This post describes the feelings and anxiety that surrounded the choices that Laura made when transitioning from a more stable career with a consistent paycheck to pursuing her dream career. I believe that she learned a valuable lesson that she shares with us in this post. She learned that our worth does not come solely from our career field and from what we do each day.
Ms Fiology is run by Deanna who is actually from my home state of Ohio. Deanna's life story is incredibly inspiring. You can read more of her story here. Deanna has come so far in her life between her struggles with addiction which she shares about on her website, and also in her journey to financial freedom. The post that caught my attention of Deanna 's was a post sharing about being a guest on the Dave Ramsey show. In this post she shares her own story of paying off debt and becoming financially free. You can check out her story here experience on the Dave Ramsey show
The Frugal Fellow is run by Bob whom I have had the pleasure of connecting with this year on Twitter. Bob wrote a post on how Sofi helped him to refinance his student loans and how he was able to successfully pay them off using Sofi. I have only just heard of Sofi myself, so this is not an endorsement by me of Sofi and their products. What I found inspiring about this post is the fact that Bob found success in paying down his own student loans using this company. In the post he shares that he received a much better rate in doing so. Feel free to check out Bob's review here on his website. He just might be able to offer the guidance you are looking for in paying down that student loan. If you have further questions just leave him a comment. I know Bob will respond to your comments, and I have no doubt he will be honest in his responses about his own experience. Check out his post here sofi-refinancing I hope you enjoy these three posts and that you can find at least one of these posts that hits home for you. I try to spend some time frequently visiting other websites of bloggers I appreciate. I like to share when I discover a post that deserves recognition that another blogger has written, like I believe these posts do.